A website to reclaim history
There are always two sides to a story. And to history. But it has become the default of schools and the media to give a single one. Especially – indeed almost exclusively – when it comes to telling the history of Western, post-Enlightenment, industrialized, white nations. And men.
This fervor to degrade one’s own history and downplay the achievements of great men is probably inspired by multiple social, cultural and psychological processes. But certainly the desire to push for a political and economic revolution, if not a war fought against racial lines, is a big part of the reason.
Luckily, the libraries haven’t all been burned yet, and universities have not yet been entirely purged of all intellectual diversity. So 40 historians have joined forces to help people reclaim their history.
The website publishes short pieces that aim to correct the historical falsities circulating online. A sort of historical fact checking and quick refresher. They also run a podcast and accept donations.
What an excellent gift to make our children and grand children – an investment in their future. And ours.