The UK thought police did nothing legal

In a heartwarming bit of good news, the Orwellian case of Harry Miller, the man who was visited by the Humberside police to “check his thinking”, after his “offensive” tweets were registered as “non-crime hate incident”, has been upheld by the court of appeal, which also declared the Police force actions to be unlawful.

The news was given on all main outlets, not least in a feminist-oriented opinion piece in the Guardian that, as the author of the article states, is certainly not friend to the political ideology of Mr Miller. Even the most ardent defenders of political correctness and progressive ideology seem to have finally realized the importance of preserving the freedom to express one’s opinions.

Will the hundreds of thousands of non-crime hate incidents recorded by the UK police be scrapped? Not yet, apparently, although the College of Policing practice instructions have already been updated: “A disproportionate response may adversely impact on either an individual’s human rights, eg, by inhibiting free speech, or on levels of hostility and tension in society (see Miller v College of Policing and Humberside Police [2020] EWHC 225 (Admin)).”

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